Slashing CO2

Founded: 2020

HQ: Detroit, MI

Big rigs, tiny footprints.

Big Picture

Heavy-duty trucks move 70% of goods shipped in the United States. All this driving around emits more than 7% of US greenhouse gas pollution and represents a big chunk of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions for all manner of companies. As a growing number of businesses declare carbon targets, they run into the possibility that hydrogen and electric trucks may never offer a path to bring down emissions in time. 

How It Works

Remora’s device mounts between the cab and trailer of semi-trucks. They use a solid sorbent that selectively binds with CO2 molecules in the exhaust stream without clogging it up. The sorbent regenerates freely using exhaust heat, releasing high-purity compressed CO2 in the process. Trucks offload the gas in the time it takes to refuel, allowing it to be sold for use or pumped underground. 

Unfair Advantage

Remora’s mobile carbon capture system reduces emissions from semi-trucks with limited impacts on payload, range, or trip time. Using biofuel or synthetic fuels, trucks could even run carbon-negative. Other technologies may promise to decarbonize semi-trucks, but they are far off and expensive. Remora offers customers a low-capex approach to decarbonize entire fleets today.


Million metric tons of CO2e

produced annually by semi-trucks


Paul has conducted award-winning experimental research that uncovered new solutions to collective action problems like polarization and the climate crisis.

This new device captures CO2 from trucks as they drive

Fast Company

Remora is ready to roll with carbon capture for trucks


Reducing carbon emissions by capturing truck exhaust

University of Michigan